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Is Plan B Similar to the Abortion Pill?

If you are looking for information about Plan B, the abortion pill, abortion clinic procedures, and what your pregnancy options are right now – Your Options Medical can help. Start with free onsite pregnancy testing, and if you qualify, an ultrasound to obtain proof of pregnancy and verify how far along you are. What is … Continued


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4 Reasons Why You Schedule an Ultrasound Before the Abortion Pill

With COVID-19 changing the way we live our daily lives, venturing out into the public may be inconveniencing at best and immensely stressful at worst. And if you’re experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, fear of catching the virus may prevent you from seeking the medical attention you need. You will still need to schedule an ultrasound. … Continued

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Are There Serious Complications with the Abortion Pill?

If you’re experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, you may be sorting through your options and you probably have heard about “the Abortion Pill.” It is also referred to as the RU-486 Pill, Mifepristone, and Mifeprex. However, during this pandemic, some clinics have also started to call it the “safe at-home abortion.” With Covid-19 virtually changing the … Continued

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abortion pill during covid-19
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Are “At-Home Abortions” Safe?

At-Home Abortions In light of this pandemic, quarantine has proven to inconvenience many people, with having to wait in long lines to go into your favorite stores and having to wear a mask whenever you venture out into the public. It has come to the point where even stepping out of your own home feels … Continued

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The Abortion Pill (RU-486) vs. The Morning After Pill

A lot of people think the Abortion Pill (RU-486/Plan C) and the Morning After Pill (Plan B) are the same thing. However, these pills differ in procedure and time administered. The Abortion Pill (RU-486/Plan C)  is a two-pill process meant to end a pregnancy by cutting off the supply of progesterone to the pregnancy. It then expels the human … Continued

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morning after pill
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The Morning After Pill (Plan B/Ella, etc.)

Many people think that the Morning After Pill (MAP) also known as Plan B, is the abortion pill; however, this is not so. The MAP is taken shortly after intercourse while the Abortion Pill (RU-486/Plan C) is taken up to several weeks after. You can learn more about the Abortion Pill (RU-486/Plan C) in an … Continued

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Free Women’s Health Services

As a nonprofit organization, Your Options Medical is dedicated to reaching out to women and families who are facing unexpected pregnancies and seeking compassionate support. We offer free women’s health services. At Your Options, we understand the services we offer are vital to women. We strive to ensure there are no barriers to women accessing … Continued

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Experts in Pregnancy Confirmation Services

Your Options Medical is your direct path to empowered choices. Our team of medical professionals is dedicated to providing high-quality medical care and unbiased information so you can confidently make decisions about your care.

Confidential Services. Care You Can Trust.