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may not need an abortion

Why You May Not Need an Abortion

Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion Concerns

If you recently found out that you are pregnant and you were not planning or expecting to be, you may be considering an abortion. Before scheduling this medical procedure, a few things have to be done first for your health and safety. The truth is, you may not want to be pregnant but you also may not need to have an abortion.

We want to offer you some information in this post in order to help you understand the vital steps you need to take before you have a medical procedure you may not need. As with any medical procedure, both the abortion pill and surgical abortion have potential physical risks and side effects. Why put yourself at unnecessary risk?

The Process

In order to see if you need an abortion, you will need to have an ultrasound to determine if your pregnancy is viable. This word viable simply means is the pregnancy likely to continue. Miscarriage rates are extremely high, especially within the first eight weeks of pregnancy.

During an ultrasound, the nurse is able to assess the pregnancy to see if there are any indicators of a potential miscarriage. Something that can indicate a potential future miscarriage is the lack of fetal cardiac activity if the baby has no heartbeat. If no heartbeat is detected during the ultrasound, it could be because the pregnancy might still be very early on or there may be no heartbeat because your body may be preparing to miscarry.

Ultrasound Confirms Viability of Pregnancy

An ultrasound is also needed to determine how far along you are. You cannot receive the abortion pill or get a surgical abortion until an ultrasound is performed to confirm the exact dating of your pregnancy (how far along you are).

The ultrasound scan can also confirm if the pregnancy is developing in the uterus. If the pregnancy is not within the uterus, this could indicate a possible life-threatening ectopic pregnancy. For more information on scheduling an ultrasound before having an abortion, check out our blog.

Many Times Abortion is Not Needed

Many times, we have patients come to our office thinking they are pregnant and planning to get an abortion and either they have a negative pregnancy test or they end up naturally miscarrying. Before you put yourself at unnecessary risk, be sure to get all your facts.

If you think you might be pregnant, Your Options Medical can provide you this first step in determining what to do now.

Schedule an appointment today!

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