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What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in College?

What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in College?

Being pregnant in college is not easy, but you can still accomplish your educational goals. You may experience additional challenges, but resources exist to help you make an informed pregnancy decision. 

Your Options Medical has the no-cost, private medical services you need to learn about your pregnancy and find resources during your college years.

Will I Experience Discrimination?

Worrying about discrimination is an understandable part of this experience. However, Title IX protects you from discrimination at school if you’re pregnant or parenting. You have the right to continue your education. 

You might also worry about judgment from family, friends, or classmates. Remember that their opinions often reflect their own experiences or fears. You alone have the right to select your outcome for this pregnancy.

Sharing the news can be difficult, but it is essential to be direct about your pregnancy. Coming prepared with information about an upcoming options counseling appointment can often alleviate outside concerns.

Speaking with your partner is also critical. Unless they are abusive, sharing the pregnancy news with them can help determine their level of involvement with this pregnancy. 

If you are in an unsafe relationship and need help, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline

What is Next?

Confirm pregnancy details with a limited ultrasound at Your Options Medical. Ultrasound provides the following information:

  • Viability: Determine whether your pregnancy has a heartbeat. Up to 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, which may require monitoring and treatment.
  • Gestational Age: Learn how far along you are. This will help inform you of your pregnancy options.
  • Location: Verify that your pregnancy is located in the uterus. Sometimes, an ectopic pregnancy occurs, which requires emergency medical treatment.

We also offer options counseling, which gives information about abortion, making an adoption plan, and parenting. We do not perform or refer for abortions, but we provide accurate information about abortion risks and side effects. 

If you choose parenting, we will connect you to resources while you’re in school. You can give birth and raise your child while accomplishing your educational goals.If you choose to explore adoption, know that you can talk with an agency to learn more without fully committing to an adoption plan.

Your Options Medical offers a compassionate listening ear. You can share the struggles relating to your unique situation, and we can determine the assistance you need to move forward confidently.

In College? We Can Help.

Your Options Medical provides holistic pregnancy confirmation services for those facing unexpected pregnancies. Our trained staff provides the no-cost, private resources and information you need. You can also speak with a nurse via a telehealth appointment. 

Contact us today to schedule an appointment. You can also call or text 508-251-9022 to schedule an appointment.

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Experts in Pregnancy Confirmation Services

Your Options Medical is your direct path to empowered choices. Our team of medical professionals is dedicated to providing high-quality medical care and unbiased information so you can confidently make decisions about your care.

Confidential Services. Care You Can Trust.