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Is Plan B Similar to the Abortion Pill?

If you are looking for information about Plan B, the abortion pill, abortion clinic procedures, and what your pregnancy options are right now – Your Options Medical can help. Start with free onsite pregnancy testing, and if you qualify, an ultrasound to obtain proof of pregnancy and verify how far along you are. What is … Continued


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abortion pill

What Are the Risks of Ordering an Abortion Pill Online? 

The convenience of ordering the abortion pill online may be appealing, but there are also risks and pre-existing conditions to be aware of that may disqualify you from being eligible for the abortion pill.  The abortion pill method involves taking two powerful drugs to terminate a pregnancy. Keep reading to learn about some risks associated … Continued

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abortion pill by mail

Can I Get An Abortion Pill by Mail?

In the state of Massachusetts, it is legal to get a prescription for the abortion pill without ever stepping foot into a doctor’s office. Unfortunately, this is not the best medical practice.  The best standard in medical care to protect your health and safety is to have a health screening including an ultrasound before taking … Continued

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online abortion pill

Can I Buy The Abortion Pill Online?

This has become a frequently asked question. Ultimately, yes the abortion pill can be purchased online. However, this can be dangerous for your health as you cannot guarantee the medications you are ordering are in fact abortion pills.  Please note that the best medical practice is to have an ultrasound before taking the abortion pill. … Continued

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abortion pill

Are There Risks when Ordering the Abortion Pill Online?

Have you seen those social media posts where a person shows a photo of what they thought they were buying next to what they actually received?  They’ve gone to some website with a beautiful wedding dress that’s amazingly cheap, and when it arrives, it’s 4 sizes smaller and nothing like the photo. We laugh about … Continued

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abortion pill
side effects

What are the Side Effects of the Abortion Pill?

The abortion pill method sounds easy and harmless. It might seem as simple as taking an aspirin for a headache. However, the abortion pill method is not just one pill and it isn’t as harmless as you may think.  Abortion, no matter what method is used, is a serious physical and emotional decision. Anytime you … Continued

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abortion pill

Will My Insurance Cover the Abortion Pill?

When faced with an unplanned or unexpected pregnancy, you have three options — abortion, adoption or parenting. Each of these options may come with endless questions and “what ifs” and it can be a challenge to sort through all of the information you need in order to make an informed choice. When considering an abortion, … Continued

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Your Options Medical is your direct path to empowered choices. Our team of medical professionals is dedicated to providing high-quality medical care and unbiased information so you can confidently make decisions about your care.

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