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Is Plan B Similar to the Abortion Pill?

If you are looking for information about Plan B, the abortion pill, abortion clinic procedures, and what your pregnancy options are right now – Your Options Medical can help. Start with free onsite pregnancy testing, and if you qualify, an ultrasound to obtain proof of pregnancy and verify how far along you are. What is … Continued


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What Are My Second-Trimester Pregnancy Options?

Understanding your options is crucial if you have an unexpected pregnancy and are in your second trimester. In Massachusetts, abortion is legal up to 24 weeks gestation. If you are younger than 16 years, parental consent or judicial bypass is required to have an abortion.  Although Your Options Medical does not provide or refer for … Continued

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How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?

When you have an unexpected pregnancy, it can feel like the scariest moment in your life. You weren’t planning on becoming pregnant, and now you have some critical questions to consider. You are likely also concerned about how your family will react. Parental approval can be crucial, and you might worry about their reactions. Worrying … Continued

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Which States Allow Abortion After the Overturning of Roe v. Wade?

At the time of this writing, the overturning of Roe v. Wade resulted in a fragmented map of the U.S., where each state has its own regulations on abortion access. Other states have comparatively relaxed abortion access but have limitations banning abortion after the point of viability, which means that a fetus can exist outside … Continued

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Can You Still Get an Abortion in Massachusetts?

Yes, obtaining an abortion in Massachusetts is legal if you are 23 weeks and six days or less into your pregnancy. The gestational age (the length of time you have been pregnant) begins on the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). Although you may not be sure about your LMP or are confused … Continued

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Does the Overturning of Roe v. Wade Affect Massachusetts?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy without clear knowledge of your options can be daunting. With the overturning of the recent Roe v. Wade decision, many women are wondering what their options are and what restrictions or protections for abortion access look like in their area. Abortion is currently legal in the state of Massachusetts, but read … Continued

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abortion pill

What Are the Risks of Ordering an Abortion Pill Online? 

The convenience of ordering the abortion pill online may be appealing, but there are also risks and pre-existing conditions to be aware of that may disqualify you from being eligible for the abortion pill.  The abortion pill method involves taking two powerful drugs to terminate a pregnancy. Keep reading to learn about some risks associated … Continued

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Your Options Medical is your direct path to empowered choices. Our team of medical professionals is dedicated to providing high-quality medical care and unbiased information so you can confidently make decisions about your care.

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