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Is Plan B Similar to the Abortion Pill?

If you are looking for information about Plan B, the abortion pill, abortion clinic procedures, and what your pregnancy options are right now – Your Options Medical can help. Start with free onsite pregnancy testing, and if you qualify, an ultrasound to obtain proof of pregnancy and verify how far along you are. What is … Continued


Most Recent

Heading Back to Campus

To Know Before You Go If you are getting ready to head back to school, it is important to know the laws surrounding abortion access in the state where you will be attending school. The overturning of Roe v. Wade impacted the laws in many states across the country. At the time of this writing, … Continued

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abortion pill
side effects

What are the Side Effects of the Abortion Pill?

The abortion pill method sounds easy and harmless. It might seem as simple as taking an aspirin for a headache. However, the abortion pill method is not just one pill and it isn’t as harmless as you may think.  Abortion, no matter what method is used, is a serious physical and emotional decision. Anytime you … Continued

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Abortion Cost

How Much Does Abortion Cost in MA?

Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy? You may be wondering how much does an abortion cost? Will my insurance cover an abortion? Abortion prices vary based on based on how far along you are and depending on which procedure you are planning to have. At Your Options Medical, we can help you answer some of … Continued

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abortion pill

Will My Insurance Cover the Abortion Pill?

When faced with an unplanned or unexpected pregnancy, you have three options — abortion, adoption or parenting. Each of these options may come with endless questions and “what ifs” and it can be a challenge to sort through all of the information you need in order to make an informed choice. When considering an abortion, … Continued

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Can an Abortion Really Lead to Infertility?

Abortion Risks As with all medical procedures, there are potential risks and side effects involved with abortion procedures. Some of the most common risks and side effects include heavy bleeding with blood clots, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Some of the less common, but still relevant, side effects include damage to the uterus or pelvic inflammatory … Continued

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Our Response to COVID-19

Please know that during this time of COVID-19 outbreak we are taking every precaution to ensure the well-being of both our patients and staff. The health and safety of both patients and staff are of utmost importance to us. We are daily monitoring information released by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) as well as … Continued

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Experts in Pregnancy Confirmation Services

Your Options Medical is your direct path to empowered choices. Our team of medical professionals is dedicated to providing high-quality medical care and unbiased information so you can confidently make decisions about your care.

Confidential Services. Care You Can Trust.