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What Can Guys Do with an Unplanned Pregnancy?

If you and your partner are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about your future. However, there are steps you can take that will help you feel more confident about how to move forward.

Read on to learn more about these steps. Or, if you and your partner want to talk to someone in person about your pregnancy options, contact Your Options Medical to be connected with one of our caring medical team members. All appointments and resources are free and confidential.

Help Your Partner

Your partner is likely facing many different physical changes and emotions right now. The best thing you can do is be there for her. Here are some practical ways you can do this:

  1. Accompany your partner at all doctors appointments

  2. Ensure she has what she needs to feel healthy—including vitamins, food, etc.

  3. Listen to her concerns and help her strategize what to do next.

Another way to encourage your partner is to help look out for her health and safety. No matter which option she is considering or planning to move forward with, ensuring she schedules an ultrasound is the best first step. An ultrasound can reveal important information she needs to know—including the age, location, and viability of the pregnancy (the likelihood that the pregnancy will continue). This first step of having an ultrasound and obtaining the information listed above will help her determine the next available steps

Gather Information

Learning all you can about different pregnancy options will give you and your partner confidence about how to move forward. Your three pregnancy options are parenting, adoption, or abortion.

To help your partner decide what option is best for her, let her talk through her worries about each choice. It can also be beneficial to speak with a professional third party who is not financially invested in your decision so they can help answer your questions. At Your Options Medical, we offer the space and time you both need to explore your options.

Next Steps

An unplanned pregnancy can cause you to feel many different emotions at once, and everything you’re feeling is normal. But the most essential thing to do is stand by your partner and offer your presence and encouragement. At Your Options Medical, we provide free services and resources that can help you decide how best to move forward. Call us today at 508-251-9022 to schedule a free, confidential appointment.



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